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Cub Scout Pack 167
(Trumbull, Connecticut)
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Cub Scout Pack 167, Trumbull, CT

Our Cub Scout Pack serves the area schools of Booth Hill, St. Catherine, and Christian Heritage. We also have members from Northern Stratford and Bridgeport and from Shelton and area home-schooled boys and girls.

About Cub Scouting
Cub Scouts is for boys and girls in Kindergarten through Fifth Grades. It is a year-round, family-centered program that emphasizes involvement between a boy/girl and his/her family, leaders, friends and his community.

The purpose of Cub Scouting is to influence the development of character, habits and attitudes of good citizenship, encourage good sportsmanship, improve understanding within the family, strengthen the ability to get along with, help and respect other people, gain a sense of personal achievement, develop new interests and skills, and show how to be helpful and to do his best in all things a Scout does.

This is a structured program and all is focused on boys and their families having fun and learning new things together.

"Den" 4 - 8 boys and girls in the same grade/age group (there is often more 
than one Den for each grade/age group within the Pack
"Pack" all of the Dens together as one unit (usually includes at least 
one Den of each grade/age group) within the serving area

Grade/Age Group Cub "Rank"
K Lion
1st Tiger Cub
2nd Wolf
3rd Bear
4th Webelos I (We.Be.Lo.S.-- We'll Be Loyal Scouts)
5th Webelos II

If your family has questions about our program or is interested in joining our Pack, please contact us using the Contact Our Pack link at the top of this page.

To learn more about Scouting, please visit the Boy Scouts of America at our local council, Connecticut Yankee.

We look forward to including your son and/or daughter and family in our fun!

BSA Scouting is much more than a program for young boys. Please see BSA Scouting.

Pack 167 Community News

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