Pack 3341's
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Cub Scout Pack 3341
(Kentwood, Michigan)
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Cub Scout Pack 3341 - Endeavor Elementary

Thank you for visiting the Cub Scout Pack 3341 website.  Pack 3341 is a cub scout unit under charter from the Gerald R. Ford Council of the Boy Scouts of America. 
Please visit the Gerald R. Ford Council website here:

Our sponsoring organization is Endeavor Elementary, part of the Kentwood Public Schools. 

Please visit the Kentwood Public Schools website here:

We will be updating this website with additional information as we build our pack.

If you know a boy in 1st - 5th grade interested in joining Pack 3341, please send an e-mail via the "contact our pack" link above.  Please include your phone number.  One of our committee members will e-mail and call you with additional information.

We have a small group and are meeting as one Den at this time.  We have two Den meetings, one Pack meeting and one Go-See-It each month.  Den, Pack and Go-See-It's are on Tuesday evenings starting at 6:30pm either at Endeavor Elementary, one of the den leader's homes, or a Go-See-It location.

In addition we try to have one special event activity each month.  Usually these are district or council-wide events attended by other units.

To request access to our private site, please use the "contact our pack" link at the top of the page.  Please include your full name, child's name and grade.