Cub Scouts are for boys in the 1st grade (or at least 6 yrs old) through 5th grade that want to have Fun, gain new exciting experiences, while supporting the community, and learning the core values of the scouting program! For boys 11 and older, join Troop 22 Boy Scouts
What is fun? Activities like camping & fishing, hiking at Chatfield Hollow, visiting museums like USS NAUTILUS Submarine Museum, learning compass navigation, awards and advancements, Blue and Gold Award Ceremony and dinner, The Pine Wood Derby, End of the year BBQ & Rocket Launch, and much more!
Cub Scout Fees are $100 (subject to change) and includes a subscription to Boys Life magazine, and the Pack 22 blue t-shirt. These fees are also used for BSA insurance and awards and subscription to The scout will also need to purchase the Class "A" uniform and handbook.
Pack 22 currently has 37 Cub Scouts broken up into Dens (each age group): Lions Den (K), Tiger Den (1st grade), Wolf Den (2nd grade), Bears (3rd grade), Webelos I (4th grade), and Webelos II (5th grade). The curriculum and activities in the handbook outline requirements for promotion, which occurs in June. While the training cycle is focused on a school year, we are still active in July and August with Pack events, fundraising and preparing the leadership for the next year.
There is usually one pack wide event (all Dens) each month usually consisting of day hikes, day trips, museums, awards cermonies, etc. The Den Leaders will also hold 2-3 meetings a month to fit in the training requirements and electives per the handbook. We are flexible to work around sports and family schedules.