Pack 11's
Home Page

Cub Scout Pack 11
(Lehigh Acres, Florida)
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Join Cub Scout Pack 11!

Are you looking to join a Cub Scout Pack in the Lehigh Acres area?

Cub Scout Pack 11 is gearing up for our most fun and exciting year ever!
We meet weekly during the school year:
Time:   Tuesday evenings, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: 1418 Homestead Rd. N.
Lehigh Acres, FL 33936
(The 2nd house down from Christ United Methodist Church of Lehigh Acres)

All boys aged 7 (or 1st grade) to 12 (or 5th grade) are welcome.

We have an exciting schedule of 2016 summer activities planned.

Our first meeting of the 2015/16 year is Tuesday, August 25th.

For more information about Cub Scout Pack 11 contact:

Cub Master Larry Smith 239-822-6032 or Pack Secretary Michelle Smith 239-823-1164

Understanding Cub Scouts and Pack 11

Come Join Us!

We are always welcoming new Cub Scouts.  You may join the pack at any time.  To contact us, please click on the Cub master's or Committee Chairs email link on our home page.  You're also welcome to visit a Pack meeting; it's a great way to see what we're all about.  Usually our Pack meets every Tuesday at the second house from Christ United Methodist Church: 1418 Homestead Rd. North, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.  Some of our activities have been horseback riding, bike safety event, bowling, camping and more.

What is Cub Scouting?

Cub Scouting means "doing." You will have lots to do as a Cub Scout in Pack 11—crafts, games, sports, skits, songs, stories, presentations and much more! A lot of the fun happens right in the den and pack.

Everything boys do in Cub Scouting has a purpose. Apart from the fun and excitement, the aim of Cub Scouting is to help boys grow into good citizens who are strong in character and personally fit. Cub Scouting is "Fun with Purpose".

How does it work?

The den, a group of Cub Scouts in your age and grade level, usually meets every Tuesday. Our Pack follows the Lee County School District calendar.  If they are in session on a Tuesday we will have a meeting.

The Pack, all of the Cub Scouts from first to fifth grade, meets once a month as a whole. At both the den meetings and the pack meetings, Cub Scouts do different things for fun and learning.

While you're having fun, you'll also be earning badges and awards. You'll work on projects with your parents or other adults in your family, and all of you will feel good about the things you accomplish.

When you have earned a badge, it is given to you in front of the whole pack.  Once a year, we have a graduation/crossover ceremony.  During this time the Scout receives his new rank. 

Cub Scouts in Pack 11 have a lot to choose from. Traditional annual events including a camping trip once per month, our Christmas party in December, the Pinewood Derby, Rain Gutter Regatta, Space Derby and the Blue and Gold Banquet.

We practice citizenship by taking part in community events, marching in parades, volunteering with community projects, participating in "Scouting for Food" day that donates can goods to our local Harry Chapin Food Bank, and creating a pack garden.

Cub Scouts do all sorts of exciting stuff!  Whatever it is that you enjoy, you'll probably have a chance to do it in Cub Scouting.


Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about our pack.

What Does It Cost to Join? 
The membership fee for new Cub Scouts is $11, payable when you register.  If you would like to receive Boy’s Life magazine through December an additional $5.00 needs to be paid.

All Scouts pay an annual renewal fee due in December for our New Year Re-charter.  The renewal cost is $25.00, plus an additional $12.00 if you would like Boys Life magazine.  This renewal fee keeps you active through next December. 

Pack Dues are $80.00 and can be paid gradually through December.  If paid in full by September 15 the cost is reduced to $70.00 and the scout’s first camping fee is waived.

Cub Scouts participate in popcorn fund raising events in October and are given other fund raising opportunities.

A portion of the funds are used for the following:

  • Advancement patches, pins and other awards for Scouts
  • Trophies, ribbons, pinewood derby, and banquet supplies.
  • Copies and general pack supplies

For more information about Pack 11 fundraisers, which help both the boys and pack pay for scouting contact the Committee Chairperson or Cub Master.

What are the uniform requirements?
We require our Cub Scouts to wear the official "Class A" uniform to Pack meetings, when selling popcorn and when completing non-dirty community services, such as walking in parades, Scouting for Food program, flag ceremonies and other events. The official uniform is the following:

  • Tiger Cubs, Wolf Cubs, and Bear Cubs must wear the official uniform blue shirt, neckerchief and slide.
  • Webelos may choose the blue or khaki official uniform shirt, Webelos neckerchief and slide.
  • Hats, socks and belts are highly recommended.
  • Navy blue pants, shorts or jeans.
  • Council Shoulder Patch, Pack 11 numbers
  • Always wear close toed shoes for safety, no flip flops or sandals.

Boys also have the option of wearing Pack 11 "Class B" t-shirts during camping and "dirty" community service events, such as helping at Artful Gardens Autistic and Special Needs Park.

What is a Pack? 
A pack is a group of Cub Scouts, adult leaders and parents who belong to the same Cub Scout unit (e.g., Pack 11, Panther District, Southwest Florida Council, and Boy Scouts of America). A pack generally draws its membership primarily from elementary schools, or the community that is associated with the pack's Chartered Organization and Community. Each pack is made up of Tiger Cub (grade 1), Wolf (grade 2), Bear (grade 3), Webelos (grades 4) and Arrow of Light (grade 5) dens.

What is a Chartered Organization? 
A Chartered Organization is the sponsoring organization for a Cub Scout pack, usually a church, PTA, homeowners' association or other community group. The primary responsibilities of the Chartered Organization are to select the leadership of the pack and provide a meeting place.  Each year, the pack must renew its Charter with its local council. The Chartered Organization must approve the re-chartering application in order for the Charter to be renewed. Pack 11 is chartered by Christ United Methodist Churchof Lehigh.

What is a Den? 
A den is a small group of boys of the same grade level.  Each den meets weekly on Tuesday's to work on achievements and other activities.  The den is led by adult Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders, who are responsible for planning and conducting each den meeting. 

Where is Pack 11 Meetings Held? 
Pack meetings are generally held once a month.  The Pack meetings are held at our Cub Scout house just as our den meetings are unless otherwise planned.

Who Runs the Pack 11? 
The pack is run entirely by unpaid volunteers.  We always welcome people who would like to help out, and have large and small jobs for every family. Ideally, each family should volunteer for a job, which is what we are working towards in Pack 11.

  • The Pack Committee, which currently consists of the Committee Chairman, Cubmaster, Secretary and the Treasurer and any other parents wanting to help develop budgets, approve expenses, arrange for facilities and conduct overall planning.
  • The Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders are most directly involved with the Cub Scouts.  Dens generally meet weekly.  An adult member of each Cub Scout household is expected to participate in a volunteer position or serve on a committee.

In addition to Pack Committee and Den Leader positions, Pack 11 generally tries to fill several volunteer positions (e.g., Membership Chairman, Advancement Chairman, Den Leaders, Tiger Cub Organizer) and have several committees (e.g., Blue and Gold Banquet, Pinewood Derby, Popcorn Fund Raiser, Camping committee and Scouting for Food) Lend your skills and make our Pack stronger and more fun for the Scouts!


Parent Link:

Den Leader:

Pack Committee:

Frequently asked Questions:

All Leaders:

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