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Cub Scout Pack 3314
(Olathe, Kansas)
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Pack 3314 Home Page

3314 Scouts Home - 3314 Scouts

Welcome to the Madison Place Cub Scout Pack 3314 Home Page

Where Does Pack 3314 Meet?

As a pack, the group meets at Madison Place Elementary School. Madison Place Elementary School is located at 16651 Warwick Street in Olathe, KS. Each den associated with the pack may meet in different locations and at different times. Please refer to the web sites specific to each den or contact the den leader for additional details about den meetings.   

What Is Scouting?

The Boy Scouts of America was founded in the United States in 1910. The fundamental purpose of scouting is to teach boys to become self-reliant, dependable, and caring individuals. These lifetime values are taught through fun and educational activities that are designed to strengthen character, good citizenship, and physical fitness. Scouting teaches family values . . . however, boys do not join scouting for a character makeover. Boys join scouting because it is fun. Scouting is Fun With A Purpose! 

Tiger Cub Program:
Tiger Cubs is a one-on-one program for boys and adults. Each boy/adult team is a member of the Tiger Cub Den. Each Tiger Cub Den typically:


  • Has five to nine boy/adult teams (boys are of first grade age). 
  • Meets twice each month in den meetings. 
  • Has one outing a month called a "Go See It".
  • Each den has a Tiger Cub Den Leader (usually a parent). The Den Leader helps coordinate the den meetings; however, each boy/adult team takes a turn at shared leadership to run the activities during the den meetings.



Cub Scout/Webelos Scout Program:
From second grade through fifth grade, boys are members of either Cub Scouts or Webelos Scouts. Each boy is a member of a den that typically:

  • Has five to nine boys.
  • Meets once per week and is regularly scheduled.
  • Is led by a Den Leader (usually a parent). The Den Leader may be assisted by an assistant Den Leader, a Den Chief (older Boy Scout), and a Denner (Cub Scout elected by den members).
  • Includes games, crafts, skits, songs, ceremonies, and periodic field trips.


Tiger Cub Motto: Search, Discover, Share
Cub Scout Motto: Do Your Best

Cub Scouting teaches boys to do their best - instead of focusing on winning or losing. Other values such as helping other people, being respectful of others, and sharing knowledge/resources with others are also emphasized in Cub Scouts. The program also helps boys:

  • Learn new physical skills.
  • Learn how to get along with others.
  • Reinforce mental skills.
  • Develop personal independence.
  • The Cub Scouts earn awards and recognition based upon the skills that he learns within the den and pack. These awards help the boys gain a sense of personal achievement for their efforts in learning their new skills.


The Cub Scout Pack:
All Tiger Cub Scout dens, Cub Scout dens, and Webelos Scout dens are members of a larger group - called a pack. The pack meets once per month. All members of the pack - and their families - are encouraged to participate in the pack meetings. The pack meeting is typically:

  • Led by the Cubmaster.
  • The exclamation point to the den's monthly activities, progress, and achievements.
  • Follow a suggested theme that have games, skits, songs, ceremonies, and presentation of badges.

  • The pack is run by the Pack Committee. The Pack Committee is made up of Den Leaders, Pack Leaders, Pack Trainer, parents, and other interested volunteers. The Pack Committee meets once a month (or more if needed) and is led by the Committee Chairman. The Pack Committee selects leadership, finds meeting places, performs record keeping, manages pack finances, orders badges, maintains pack equipment, helps train leaders, recognizes leaders, and plans activities.

  • The pack is owned by a Chartered Organization. In the case of Pack 3314, the PTO of Madison Place Elementary School is the Chartered Organization. The Chartered Organization approves leadership, helps secure a meeting place, and keeps the pack within the guidelines and policies of the BSA and of the Chartered Organization. The Chartered Organization typically selects a Chartered Organization Representative.

For more information about Pack 3314, send an email to Michael Kuehnen at