Pack 888's
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2016 Cubscout Packet
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Cub Scout Pack 888
(Stuart, Florida)
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Frequently asked questions?


How much does Cub Scouts cost?                                                                         

Our program is 9 months which runs from September thru May. The registration fee is $25.00 which goes directly to BSA Gulf Stream Council. Our Pack fee is $20.00 which goes directly to Pack 888 to help fund our program for supplies to start our year off. Monthly dues are $10.00 which help supply our awards and certificates each scout earns. Dues are due by the 1st Pack meeting of each month. If you would like to pay for registration and dues all at once the total amount will be $135.00, check made out to Pack 888. You will need a handbook for your scout for the specific level which they have to bring at all meetings. Plus cost of the uniform, details below. Prices will vary depending on the time and place you buy from, so be mindful and don’t hesitate to ask others for advice on where and when to scout shop.
When & where do we meet? 
All Pack meetings are at Grace Place Church, 1550 SE Salerno Road, Stuart, Fl. 34997. Our Pack meets the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Monday of each month from 6pm-7:30pm. We also have Committee meetings (to plan what activities to do) which will be the first Sunday of each month from 6pm-7pm & our Award Ceremonies are November, February and May.  Frequently check our website as events might be added. 
What is expected of parents? 
Parent participation is a must with the Tiger cubs. One parent/guardian from each Tiger cub family must be a registered adult (no charge for registration). At all Pack/BSA activities Tigers must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18. Parent participation is strongly encouraged in the other Dens as well. There will be projects at meetings your son will need your help with. Cub Scouting is NOT a baby-sitter.  It is just as much a parent committment, as is a scout commitment.
How much time is involved in Cub Scouting? 
Den meetings are 1hr - 1 & 1/2 hour per meeting & we also have extra activities planned throughout the month. You are strongly encouraged to attend the Pack meeting since this is where all the boys receive their achievements which they have been working hard for. These activities will take up as much time as your schedule allows. We do not have any requirements for our extra activities i.e.: camping, horseback riding, fishing, Scouting for Food, Christmas parade etc. but we encourage families to participate as much as possible to get the most out of the scouting experience. 
Where can I get my uniform? 
Uniforms can be purchased at Day Dreams Uniforms Inc, 2780 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart, Fl. 34994. There is also an official scout shop in Palm Beach Gardens (8335 North Military Trail) and a web site 
www.scoutstuff.orgThe required Class A uniforms are the blue Cub Scout shirts (short or long sleeved). For the Tigers and new Wolf cubs, I suggest you purchase things a little big since your Scout will wear this uniform through the Bear rank (3rd grade), and optionally through Webelos (4th -5th grade). The Webelos have the option to wear the Boy Scout khaki uniform. For either shirt, you will also need to purchase the following patches (to be sewn on the uniform shirt): the “Gulf Stream Council” patch; red pack numbers “888”; and the World Crest patch. We would like everyone to have their Class A uniform as soon as possible, since many of our events require the Uniform.  We have our Class B pack t-shirts in stock.  The cost is $13 for kids & $15 for adults. 
Please don’t hesitate to ask us anything we may have not covered.

 All Pack Den Meetings are scheduled the 
1st, 2nd & 3rd Monday of each Month     (6:00pm-7:00pm)

Pack 888 Dens
The Pack is the combined group of dens – grade specific groups of Cub Scouts as listed below – leaders, helpers, parents and other family members. The Pack regularly meets twice a month with other activities scheduled when appropriate (camping, Scouting for food, popcorn fundraiser, toy drive, Christmas parade, pinewood derby race, rocket derby and annual banquet). Individual Dens meetings are scheduled as needed.
Webelos II (Arrow of Light) -5th Grade boys
Finishing accomplishments to earn Webelos rank, getting ready to cross over to Boy Scouts later in year, (home and family activities plus other individual awards )

Webelos I – 4th Grade boys                                      
First year Webelos (We’ll Be Loyal Scouts), begin working on accomplishments to earn Webelos II rank by later next year, (home and family activities plus other individual awards)

Bears – 3rd Grade boys         
Working on accomplishments to earn Bear rank, (home and family activities plus other individual awards)

Wolves – 2nd Grade boys    
Working on accomplishments to earn Wolf rank, (home and family activities plus other individual awards)

Tigers – 1st Grade boys                                                                                                             
Working with parent/adult partner to earn Tiger rank, den meetings plus five required “Go-See-It” field trips this year (also have five required family activities to do at home, as well as, many optional home and family activities plus optional individual awards)

The requirements for the scouts to earn their rank are age appropriate, getting more difficult as they get older. The activities are character building, interest provoking, skill developing and fun! All designed to advance the 10 purposes of Cub Scouting: 

1. Character Development                                            6.  Respectful Relationships                                     

2. Spiritual Growth                                                         7.  Personal Achievement

3. Good Citizenship                                                        8.  Friendly Service

4. Sportsmanship & Fitness                                         9.  Fun and Adventure

5. Family Understanding                                             10. Preparation for Boy Scouts

 What kind of events are held in a scouting year?

Below you will find a list of events that we have every year with Cub Scouts and a brief description of that event and what is basically expected from our volunteers/parents.




A morning of fishing in September at a local fishing area to be announced each year.

Fall Campout:

It is a 3-day 2-night district themed campout. We will have a list of camping supplies needed. In the past there have been activities planned by the Gulf Stream Council; as well as those who volunteer to help with this weekend from our pack.

Food Drive:

It is a two-weekend event. The first weekend entails dropping off bags to homes and then the following weekend picking up the bags hopefully full of needed can goods for a local food kitchen. It is set up by the Gulf Stream Council and volunteers are needed.

Popcorn Sale

This is our main fundraising activity so the more we sell the more fun things we can do.We sell popcorn at booths as well as each boy sells popcorn individually to raise money for our pack. 

Christmas Party:

In Early to mid-Dec. we have a pack Christmas party instead of a regular pack meeting. There will be activities for the boys & siblings to do. We also would like each family to bring a dish for a potluck dinner.

Christmas Parade:

We participate in the Stuart Holiday Parade and would like to enter a float for the scouts to ride on. We need volunteers to organize as well help make the float.

Blue and Gold Banquet:

This is a yearly party to celebrate scouting and share in family fun. This gathering is unique to only Cub Scouting. The food is prepared and provided by the pack. From past experience, the more hands willing and able to assist helps things move smoothly. We try to plan games for all the kids as well as make it an impromptu fundraiser with raffle of baskets of goodies as well as bidding on items donated. We also take this time to acknowledge and thank those outside organizations as well as people who have donated time and/or money to our pack. This is a huge undertaking and we must have volunteers to make it a success.

Cub Family Weekend:

Gulf Stream Council plans another 2-night/3-day campout. This is very much like the fall campout as it follows the same ideas and planed activities.

Pinewood Derby:

This is a tradition in Cub Scouting and there is need for your assistance for your scout in making his car. The basic requirements for the car can be found in the box the car comes in. In the past we have had assistance with cutting out the cars as well as test and tune. This is intended to be a parent/scout project.

Crossover/Advancement Ceremony:

This is a very important time for each scout and it is imperative that they come in their full uniform and crossover to the next level in scouting. Tiger to Wolf, Wolf to Bear, and Bear to Webelos. This is held at our last pack meeting usually held in May & it does end up being a long meeting due to the size of our pack & our desire to acknowledge each scout.