Philmont Grace
For food, for raiment
For life, for opportunity
For friendship and fellowship
We thank thee, O Lord
Flintstones Grace
God is
Great and God is
Good and so we thank Him for our food.
God is
Great and God is
Good and so we thank Him for our food.
Amen, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-amen.
Amen, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-amen.
God is
Great and God is
Good and so we thank Him for our -
We thank Him for our -
We thank Him for our food!
Addams Family Grace Grace
Da da da dum (snap snap)
Da da da dum (snap snap)
Da da da dum, Da da da dum, Da da da dum (snap snap)
We thank you Lord for giving,
The things we need for living
The food, the fun, the friendship,
This outdoors fam-i-ly.
- Chorus
We thank you for the food Lord,
For Mom and Dad and you Lord,
We thank you for the food Lord,
This outdoors fam-i-ly.
- Chorus
Be present at our table Lord,
Be here and every where adored.
These mercies bless and grant that we,
May strenghten for thy service be.
Ah-ah-amen (snap-snap)
Ah-ah-amen (snap-snap)
Ah-ah-amen, Ah-ah-amen, Ah-ah-amen (snap-snap)
Around the Clock Grace
God is great,
God is good
Let us thank Him for our food.
We're gonna thank Him mornin', noon and night.
'Cause our God is outta sight.
We're gonna thank him, thank him, mornin', noon, and night.
Sh, sh, sh, ... yeah!
Johnny Appleseed Grace
The Lord is good to me
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need
The sun and the rain and the apple seed.
The Lord is good to me.
And every seed that grows
Will grow into a tree,
And one day soon there'll be apples there,
For everyone in the world to share.
The Lord is good to me.
When I wake up each morning,
I'm happy as can be,
Because I know that with God's care
The apple trees will still be there.
The Lord's been good to me.
Superman Grace
Thank you Lord, for giving us food
(actions: raise right arm overhead as Superman flying)
Thank you Lord, for giving us food
(actions: raise left arm flying)
For the food that we eat
(actions: standing with both arms over head, to the left)
For the friends that we meet
(actions: standing with both arms over head, to the right)
Thank you Lord, for giving us food!
(actions: move both hands in fists to hips and stand strong like Superman)
Yankee Doodle Grace
We thank you, Lord for daily bread,
For rain and sunny weather.
We thank you, Lord for this our food
And that we are together.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord.
Thank you, thank you, Father.
Thank you, Lord for this our food
And that we are together.
Scout's Grace Grace
Let us be thankful for the food and drinks we are about to receive before us.
Let us be thankful for the shelter that protects us while we sleep at night.
Let us be thankful for the water that rejuvenates our mind, body and soul.
Let us be thankful for the earth we walk on and the air we breathe.
Let us be thankful for the fire that keeps us warm and gives us light.
Let us be thankful for natural surroundings that give the earth beauty and life.
Let us be thankful for the family and friends that are helpful when we need them the most.
Let us be thankful for the staff and leaders that lead us on our way.
Peter, Eagle
Patrick, 1st Class
Keith, Scout
Troop 10
Reseda, California
Beneath These Tall Green Trees Grace
Beneath these tall green trees we stand,
Asking blessings from Thy hand.
Thanks we give to thee above,
For Thy help and strength and love.