Pack 3314's
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Tiger Cubs
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Cub Scout Pack 3314
(Olathe, Kansas)
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Tiger Cub Program:
The Tiger Cub Scouts is a one-on-one program for boys in the first grade and their parents (Tiger Cub Partner). Each Tiger Cub and their adult partner are part of a den. Den meetings are held twice each month. Den meetings are designed to help cover the core basics of Cub Scouting in a group setting; however, most of the work involved with advancements is completed at home with the Tiger Cub Scout's adult partner. One "Go See It" outing is typically planned for each month. The Go See It is designed to educate the Tiger Cub Scouts about various aspects of the community, family, health/safety, outdoors, and communications. Each den belongs to a larger group - called a pack. Each month, a pack meeting is held to celebrate advancements, learn more about pack activities, and to work on advancements.
Bobcat - The first badge earned.Tiger Cub - The second badge earned

Bobcat Badge:
All Cub Scouts (regardless of age) earn the Bobcat badge first. The requirements for earning the Bobcat badge involve learning the following:

  • Cub Scout Promise

  • The Law of the Pack

  • The Meaning of Webelos

  • Cub Scout Sign

  • Cub Scout Handshake

  • Cub Scout Motto

  • Cut Scout Salute

  • A Bobcat Requirement (safety scenarios)

Tiger Cub Badge:
The Tiger Cub Badge is earned after completing five achievements grouped in three areas: den activity (D), family acitivity (F), and Go See It (G). The requirements for earning the Tiger Cub Badge (specifically) involve learning the following:
  • Achievement 1 - Making My Family Special

    • 1F - Select a chore that can be completed with the adult partner. Complete that chore.

    • 1D - Make a family scrapbook

    • 1G - Go to a library, historical society, museum, etc. Discover how family life was the same/different many years ago.

  • Achievement 2 - Where I Live

    • 2F - Look at a map of your community with the adult partner.

    • 2D - Practice the Pledge of Allegiance with the den. Participate in a den or pack flag ceremony.

    • 2G - Visit a police station or fire station. Ask about maintaining safety/security in the community.

  • Achievement 3 - Keeping Myself Healthy and Safe

    • 3Fa - Plan a fire drill - then practice it in the home.

    • 3Fb - Plan what to do if the Tiger Cub becomes separated from the adult partner (family) in a public place.

    • 3D - Make a food guide pyramid.

    • 3G - Learn the rules to a game/sport. Then, go watch an organized game being played.

  • Achievement 4 - How I Tell It

    • 4F - Practice the meal time roundtable (each person shares one thing from their day).

    • 4D - Play the game - Tell It Like It Isn't

    • 4G - Visit a business that develops mass communications (television, radio, newspaper, etc.).

  • Achievement 5 - Let's Go Outdoors

    • 5F - Go outside and watch the weather.

    • 5D - Make leaf rubbings using crayon or colored pencil.

    • 5G - Take a hike with the den.


Tiger Cub Beads:
Once the Tiger Cub Badge is earned, additional electives may be completed toward earning Tiger Cub Beads. Each bead will require 10 of the 50 possible electives to be completed. Each elective may be completed more than once; however, it is intended that the Tiger Cub Scout challenge themselves to participate in as many of the electives as possible.