Pack 3314's
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Advancement Plan
Tiger Cubs
Wolf Cubs
Bear Cubs
Webelos I
Webelos II
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Cub Scout Pack 3314
(Olathe, Kansas)
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The responsibility of a boy's advancement in Cub Scouting lies with the family and not with the den or pack. Some advancement requirements are done at den meetings - but most are done at home with the family.

Bobcat Badge

All boys earn the Bobcat badge first. This is accomplished by learning the Cub Scout Promise, Law of the Pack, Cub Scout handshake, Cub Scout salute, Cub Scout sign, Cub Scout motto, and the meaning of "Webelos". After receiving the Bobcat badge, the boys work on requirements based on their grade.

Tiger Cub Badge
Tiger Cubs:
The Tiger Cub badge is earned after completing five achievements grouped in three areas: den activity, family activity, and Go See It activity. After completing the Tiger Cub rank, boys may earn one Tiger Track bead when he completes 10 electives. There is no limit to the number of Tiger Cub beads a boy can earn. Advancements are displayed on a Tiger Cub Totem, which is worn on the Tiger Cub belt.

Wolf Badge
Wolf Cub Scouts:
A Cub Scout who has completed first grade (or is age 8), works on 12 achievements to earn the Wolf badge.

After he earns his Wolf badge, a boy may work on electives in different areas of interest until he is old enough to work on the next rank.

Bear Badge

Bear Cub Scouts:
A Cub Scout who has completed second grade (or is age 9), works on 12 of 24 achievements to earn the Bear badge.

After he earns the Bear badge, he may work on electives in different interest areas until he is old enough to begin work on the next rank.

Arrow Points

Arrrow Points:
For the Wolf and Bear ranks, the Cub Scout may earn arrow points for every 10 electives that are completed. A boy may earn as many arrow points as he can; however, only one gold arrow point may be earned for each of the Wolf and Bear badges (2 total).

Webelos Badge

When a Cub Scout has completed the third grade (or is 10 years old), he transfers to a Webelos den. Led by an adult Webelos leader, the boy works on requirements for the Webelos badge, 20 activity badges, and the Arrow of Light (the highest award in Cub Scouting).

Arrow of Light
Camping and outdoor programs are an important part of the 18 month Webelos program. In February of a Webelos Scout's 5th grade year, he graduates from Cub Scouting into the adventure of Boy Scouting at an impressive graduation ceremony. Every boy deserves an opportunity to be a Boy Scout.