Cub Scout pack 300 continues a tradition of over 50 years of scouting. Our pack is one of the most active in the area with monthly pack meetings, trips, outings and camping adventures.
We are a co-ed pack with both Boy and Girl dens.
One of our favorite activities are our themed camp outs at Hidden Valley, Camp Tuckahoe, or local state parks.
Some of our recent themed camps were:Pirate Camp Mountain Man Camp
Rocket Camp Medieval Camp
Cowboy Camp Star Wars Camp
Fort Fear (Fear Factor) Alien Abduction Camp
Hogwarts Camp
Some of our other camping trips have included:
Camping at McMillan’s Woods (Gettysburg Battlefield)
Encampment on the Battleship New Jersey
Camping at Camp Pioneer
We also include a number of other activities in our program such as:
Fossil Hunting Pinewood Derby
Raingutter Regatta Space Derby
Cardboard Derby Halloween Parade
Scouting for Food Blue Gold Banquet
Model Rocket launch Sports Nights
Fishing Derby Visits to Local Historical Sites
End of Year Picnic
Schedule - Regular Meetings run September through May
Monthly Pack Meetings - 3rd Monday each month
Lions (Girls) - 2nd Wednesday each month
Lions (Boys) - 4th Wednesday each month
Tigers & Bears - 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month
Wolves & Webelos - 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month
We are always accepting new boys and girls into our Pack. If you want to join a pack that
"Gets out there and does stuff" Pack 300 may be for you. After all you can't make
stick bread over a fire or play capture the flag if you are sitting indoors.