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Cub Scout Pack 3049
(Holland, Michigan)
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Arrow of Light (The "Eagle Scout" of Cub Scouting)

Congratulations to these Scouts of Pack 3049, recipients of Cub Scouting's highest achievement, the Arrow of Light!

Andrew E, Alex G, Isaac D, Kona L, Camren D, Durai N, Atraiu N, James F, Lukas L, Nathan V, Jasper W headed to Boy Scout Troop 43.  Thanks to their den leaders Mr. Grzan and Mr. DeVries

Luke M, Kendrick S, Matthew D, Cabot C, Evan Z, Casey W, LJ N, Jonas W, Keegan O, Kyle C, Ty P, Robert T headed to Boy Scout Troop 43.  Thanks to their den leaders Mr. Mitchem and Mr. Derby.

Rayne R, Dylan D, Adam T, Daniel H, Adam D, Colin S, Carter H headed to Boy Scout Troop 43. Thanks to their den leaders Mr. & Mrs. Telgenhof.

Mathis G, Justin M, Viktor M, Carter L headed to Boy Scout Troop 43. Thanks to their den leaders Mr. Myers and Mr. Geren.

Josh E, Alex S, Jaysen H, Sean D, Derek P headed to Boy Scout Troop 43, and Connor M, Ryan M, Lucas M headed to Boy Scout Troop 147. Thanks to their den leaders Mr. Piesko, Mr. Hoezee, and Mr. McCoy.

Andrew G, TJ Mann, along with their den leaders Mr. Geren and Mr. Mann.  Both heading to Boy Scout Troop 43!

Tyler B, Lane S, Colin B, Remy R, Jeffrey G, along with their den leader Mr. Bush.  All heading to Boy Scout Troop 43!

Jack H, Will T, Avery M, along with their den leader Mr. Hemmelgarn.  All heading to Boy Scout Troop 43!