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BSA Troop 406
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Cub Scout Pack 318
(LaPlace, Louisiana)
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Each Cub Scout Pack is directly linked to a local Boy Scout Troop.  Here in LaPlace, that is Troop 406.  Below you will find some general information about Troop 406.  Feel free to visit the Troop website by clicking HERE

About Troop 406

Welcome to Troop 406!

We are glad that you have selected our Troop to experience the adventures of the Boy Scout program. We are sure that you have many questions in both Scouting and our Troop. If there any questions not covered by this website, please contact the Scoutmaster or any adult leaders at any of our Troop meetings.

Troop 406 is a youth lead non-denominational Boy Scout Troop in the Tchoupitoulas District, Southeast Louisiana Council of the Boy Scouts of America. We are sponsored by Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Church.

We are a smaller Troop, which means, we are able to camp where we want and every Scout has the chance to work a leadership position at an earlier age. We have fewer restrictions on what we do as a Troop, due to logistics. Every Scout in our troop receives more one-on-one attention and is recognized and valued as a unique individual. The boys quickly learn that when they are working together, the actions of each person are important to the whole group. The Scoutmaster knows each Scout by name. If you want to have a say in what you do and where you go, this is your Troop. Come join the fun.

At the Annual Planning Meeting in August the Youth Leaders (Patrol Leaders Council) plan the yearly events on a budget set by the Troop Committee to limit the yearly expenses. We believe that a Scout is "thrifty" and have fund raisers throughout the year for them to pay their own way. The Boy Scout Program is a new step in your family's life. Every Scout needs to understand what is expected of him. Every adult leader (parent) needs to comprehend the responsibilities involved in the operation of a Boy Scout Troop. Therefore, please click on the link below for the information that pertains to you:

What is Boy Scouts?
Scout Run Troop
New Leader
HonorCamping Programs
Troop History
Troop Policy

This documentation is intended as a supplement to the policies of the Boy Scouts of America and does not supersede any of the policies stated therein. The Troop Committee of Troop 406 reserves the right to add, alter and/or delete sections of this website as needed.



The mission of Troop 406 is to provide the opportunity for each boy who becomes a member of the troop to achieve the 3 aims of Scouting: moral strength and character, participating citizenship and development of physical, mental and emotional fitness. Our goal is to develop boys into Scouts and Scouts into men by utilizing wholesome, challenging and fun activities based upon eight methods developed by the Boy Scouts of America. Those methods are high ideals, patrol method, outdoor program, advancement, adult association, personal growth, leadership development and wearing the uniform with pride.


Membership in Boy Scouting is open to all boys who have completed 5th grade, achieved the Arrow Of Light Award in Cub Scouts, or are at least 11 years of age but not older than 18 years of age. Scouts who are 18 or older may become adult leaders in the troop upon approval of the troop committee.

Every new member of the troop, boy or adult, needs to complete a BSA application form. As long as the membership is active, it is not necessary to complete a new form each year. A medial form for all members of the troop, boy and adult, must be completed and kept on file. This will be addressed later in this packet.

The fee for joining Troop 406 is $60 per boy. This amount includes:
National registration with BSA
Subscription to Boy's Life magazine
Troop 406 neckerchief
Boy Scout Handbook

The annual renewal registration is
Annual dues for parents is $10 (other registered adults $15).
Dues are paid in February of each year to keep membership active.

What is Boy Scouts?

The Boy Scouts is a community program with the purpose of providing boys and young adults an effective educational program designed to build desirable qualities of character, to train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, to develop personal fitness, and to teach how to make ethical choices over their lifetimes by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.


Be Prepared



Do a good turn daily.


Scout Oath

"On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law;
to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight."

Scout Law

A Scout is:
Trustworthy - "A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can depend on him."
Loyal - "A Scout is true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, nation and world community."
Helpful - " A Scout is concerned about other people. He willingly volunteers to help others without expecting payment or reward."
Friendly - A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts and all the people of the world. He seeks to understand others. He respects those with ideas and customs that are different from his own."
Courteous - "A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that good manners make it easier for people to get along together."
Kind - A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. Without good reason, he does not harm or kill any living thing."
Obedient - "A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, religion, and Troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than d