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Girl Scout Service Unit 660
(San Tan Valley, Florence, Coolidge, Arizona)
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Senior Journey Books

It's Your World—Change It!
Introducing the First Series of Journeys

Girl Scout Seniors know the world is not ideal. This journey is their chance to imagine a perfect world—for girls. They’re invited to create their vision as an art project—in any medium they choose. Then they’ll take action to make their vision a reality. Leaders, after all, are visionaries!




Journey Awards
GIRLtopia invites girls to consider how the world is far from perfect for girls around the world. As girls take in this reality, they are invited to envision an ideal world—a society that consistently respects their needs, values and interests. In GIRLtopia, girls have the option of earning a major award, an important step on the Girl Scout leadership ladder:

The Senior Visionary Award To earn the award, girls complete 3 steps:

  • Senior Journey Award Visionary Pin Create It an artistic representation of an ideal world to share with others;
  • Guide It lead a discussion or group activity that engages other girls in thinking about visionary leadership; and
  • Change It – complete a Take Action Project that moves the world (or a community) one step closer to ideal.

It's Your Planet—Love It!
Introducing the Second Series of Journeys

Sow What?

  • Seniors investigate the food network (no not cable TV—the real one that gets each piece of food to the table).
  • As they ponder the dirt on land use around the world (corn's a big issue!), girls get down to the science and roots of complex and global food issues.
  • Girls plan and conduct a local "food forage" to scope out their "food print" choices, and talk to scientists, local growers, and business owners—and even global hunger experts.
  • Using what they learn, girls consider their "leader prints" as they decide who and what they can cultivate en route to a Take Action Project that positively impacts their food network.
  • Along the way, Seniors take time to enjoy a "truly happy meal" together, experiment with new recipes, and try out being "locavores" who know how to savor local bounty.
  • So what about career choices and networking? Sew what about sewing? Seniors have a chance to try these on, too!
  • When they add Harvest, a prestigious new leadership award to their collection, Girl Scout Seniors will truly be proud of what they have sown on Earth!

Journey Awards
During this journey, girls have an opportunity to earn the prestigious Girl Scout Senior Harvest Award. The Harvest Award is an important step on the Girl Scout leadership ladder; it signifies that girls understand who they are and what they stand for, and that they care about others, too. It also signifies that they can grasp an issue by the roots and organize a team to work together to sow the seeds of sustainable change. Seniors - to earn the award:

  • Senior Journey 2 Harvest Award PinGet your leader print going! Here's the path: Identify, and dig into, a food or land issue, tapping some community experts as you go. Maybe you've met growers, gardeners, nutritionists or others in your region and have ideas about challenges they face. Maybe you've improved your food print and want to inspire others. Want your school to host a farmers' market? Got a seed of an idea from this book? Want to team up with other Seniors? Just choose an issue that allows you to use your unique talents and learn something new, too!
  • Capture your vision for change in a Harvest Plan that includes: Your very own "So What?"—your goal, why it matters, how it will benefit both the planet and people. Say it in a way that gets others interested and involved! Show how even simple actions and decisions impact the larger food network. Remember: There's no need to go it alone. Who can you turn to for input and support? What specific impact do you hope to have? Name it! And when you have executed your plan, check back. Have you achieved it? Maybe you will have achieved other results, too, especially if you find yourself needing to adjust your plans along the way. Your project can be big or small, depending on your time and interest. Either way, strive for a sustainable impact. You may push for a new policy or for a change in an existing one. You don't need to start something from scratch.
  • Now, create change—execute your plan by advocating to influence a food policy or land-use effort (yes, you can!), or by educating and inspiring others to act on a solution you identify.

Introducing the Third Series of Journeys


When it comes to sisterhood, what girls start can spiral outward and change the world. Through Mission: Sisterhood! girls see the stories of sisterhood all around them and grow as leaders by widening their networks and broadening their world.





Senior Leadership AwardLeadership Awards

  • Sisterhood Award - Seniors understand the power of sisterhood in their own lives and in the world. Girls define a sisterhood issue, create a plan for how to Take Action and put it in place!



Icon File Name Comment  
S1 - Girltopia Meeting Plans.pdf Girltopia Meeting Plans  
S2 - Sow What Meeting Plans.pdf Sow What Meeting Plans  
S3 - Mission Sisterhood Meeting Plans.pdf Mission: Sisterhood Meeting plans  

Senior Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting

How does The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting work?

Everyone knows that Girl Scouts have badges. But The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting has more than just exciting, new badges for every age level. Each guide contains:

  • A colorful, easy-to-use binder specially designed for girls at each level. The binder comes chock full of essential information and badge activities—plus girls get to customize their own experience by choosing and adding in additional badge sets.

  • Legacy, Financial Literacy, and Cookie Business badge activities—or, for Girl Scout Daisies, petal and leaf activities. For more information about the National Proficiency badges, check out How the National Girl Scout Program Portfolio Works (PDF).

  • A detailed diagram showing where girls place the badges, pins, or awards with pride on their vests or sashes.

  • Ideas to help girls tie their badges right into their Journeys.

  • Vintage illustrations and quotes from Girl Scout history to help girls feel connected to the proud traditions of the past.

  • An awards log showing girls every award and badge available at their level, as well as the entire badge program at every level, so girls can see how their skills will grow in Girl Scouting.

See National Proficiency Badges (PDF) for some examples of badge progression.

See the Journey Summit Song for Daisies (PDF).


Statement of Trust

Girl Scouts of the USA creates national program materials to serve our vast and diverse community of girls. To help bring topics "off the page and into life," we sometimes provide girls — and their volunteers — with suggestions about what people across the country and around the world are doing, as well as movies, books, music, web pages, and more that might spark girl interest.

At Girl Scouts of the USA, we know that not every example or suggestion we provide will work for every girl, family, volunteer, or community.

In partnership with those who assist you with your Girl Scout group, including parents, faith groups, schools, and community organizations, we trust you to choose "real life topic experts" from your community, as well as movies, books, music, websites and other opportunities that are most appropriate for the girls in your area and that will enrich their Girl Scout activities.

Thank you for all you do to bring the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to life with girls, so that they become leaders in their own lives—and the future leaders the world needs!

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_senior_girl_scout_award_record.pdf Senior Award Record  
C S A_tip_sheet_c_s_a.pdf Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Leader Tips for Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting