Pack 3607's
Home Page
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Cub Scout Values
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Local Council / Shop
Advancements / Ranks
Help Wanted
Parent Info
Boys Life Magazine
Cub Scout Uniform
Scouting Glossary

Cub Scout Pack 3607
(Oshkosh, Wisconsin)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login

Join Pack 3607

Thank you for visiting our website.  We hope that you can take a few minutes and get to know us.  If you have any questions please feel to contact our pack Cubmaster.

All new scouts are required to complete an a Youth application.   The required fees are National Chartering ($24 per year) and Pack dues ($21 per year) and the Boys Life Magazine ($12 per year - optional) which are due in November of every year.  Aside from nominal fees for participation in some activities, our pack operates entirely on funds raised from our fundraisers. 

If joining in September, the National Chartering fee is due.  However, the Pack will cover the difference run registration until the FOLLOWING calendar renewal. 

This website has some basic information for you about Cub Scouting and our pack.  The following are some pages that may be helpful to review and may answer many questions you have.

  • "FAQ's" page provides several frequently asked questions and answers.
  • "Finances" page provides basic info about typical costs to be in the Cub Scouting program.
  • "Scout Glossary" page provides basic definitions of terms you may not be familar with regarding scouting.
  • "Cub Scout Uniform" page provides information about the Scout uniform and what items are required and optional.
  • "Local Council/Shop" page provides information where you can find the local scout shop, where you can purchase uniforms, etc.
  • "Advancements/Ranks" page provides basic info about each of the dens, requirements, age groups, etc.

For questions about completing the application, or about the Cub Scout Program, please contact us by clicking on  "Contact Our Pack".