Pack 501's
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Cub Scout Pack 501
(Woodbridge, Virginia)
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The 10 purposes of Cub Scouting are:

1. Character Development 6. Respectful Relationships
2. Spiritual Growth 7. Personal Achievement
3. Good Citizenship 8. Friendly Service
4. Sportsmanship and 
9. Fun and Adventure
5. Family Understanding 10. Preparation for Boy

Since the Pack 501 charter begins on January 1st, new Cub Scouts may pay a prorated fee for the remainder of the year, depending on when they register.

For questions about completing the application, or about the Cub Scout Program, please contact us by clicking on Contact Our Pack.

See our Join Scouting Night flier attached below!

How do I sign up?

Face to Face Applications:                         

      Fill out application form and submit to Pack with check.
A Health Form is also required as is an Adult Talent Survey.
Cub Scout Packs are volunteer lead.

All Adult Leader applications must be turned in face to face.

Online Applications:
BSA now does online applications.
Click on the link below to fill out all of your information and submit your payment per the Dues information below.
Please be sure to "Contact Our Pack" above after you complete your application so that we can properly track it and get you and your Scout into our systems as soon as possible.

When Boys would start:

       For any boy currently in first through fourth grade, the Boys would officially become a scout as soon as an application and check is turned in.
       They are able to participate in any Scout camp or pack activities.

For any boy currently in kindergarten, the earliest the boy could become an official Tiger Scout is June 1st. Applications and checks can be turned in prior to this date to ensure his quick registration.  After June 1st, they may participate as an incoming Tiger with their Adult Partner in any National, District or Pack activity.


      New Scouts: First Time Administrative Fee  ($15.00 per Scout) plus the Dues below

      Annual Registration (the Pack is registered from Jan-Dec.  Dues are collected in each October for the following year's registration.):

                    Jan 2015 – Dec 2015: $120 per Scout 
    Web 2 Registration: $90 per Scout 

NOTE:  10% of personal Popcorn Sales goes into a Scout account which can also be used for future dues, camps and other scouting related expenses.

Dues Cover:

    BSA Membership

    Insurance for Scout during approved Pack Events

    Scout Rank Book, Neckerchief and scarf @ Graduation

    All Rank Badges and Pack patches

    Academic and Sport pins*

    Academic and Sport belt loops achieved as a pack activity*
Pinewood Derby car, participation patch and trophies

    Subscription to “Boy’s Life”

    Pack T-shirt (new Scouts only)

    To help offset a portion of some Pack Events

* Note: Scout families are expected to participate in Pack Fundraisers in order to help offset the costs of belt loops, patches
and pins. Those who sell less than $400 in Popcorn may be restricted to the number of patches/awards that the Pack will pay for.

Other Typical Costs throughout the year:

Scout Uniform:
Short Sleeve Cub Scout Uniforms start at $24.99
Council Patch: $2.50
Den Patch: $1.49
Neckerchief: $6.99
Slide: $4.99


Hat: $12.99
Cub Scout Belt (holds Belt Loop Awards): $7.99
Pants: $24.99
Swag Vest: $14.99

Den Dues (This varies from Den to Den. It covers material costs for all of your Den Activities throughout the year.  
Scouts pay their own way, so it is important that they do chores to earn money for their den dues.)
Family Campouts: $12-15 per person (mainly for food)




Blue & Gold Banquet: $5-7 per person (mainly for food)

Individual Awards, den patches and belt loops and outside special classes to earn these (example Ice Skating or Ice Hockey Classes)

Summer Day Camp (optional): $160-200 (approximately) (early bird discounts available)

District Activities: varies, approximately $10/activity
Pack Field Trips: varies depending on activity (Many events in the area often offered discounts for scouts and sometimes include special bonuses)



The Scouts will have the opportunity to earn money through fundraisers to put into an individual account to help offset the costs of Summer Camp or directly related Scouting costs. 










Adult Volunteer Fees:

BSA Leader Membership is paid for by the Pack as a thank you for your time and effort
