POPtober is a way to raise funds for our Pack by selling popcorn, door to door and online. It also helps us raise funds to support those who serve our country. 70% of popcorn funds go towards the Boy Scouts program. More importantly, our Pack can earn up to 28%.
You can sell popcorn using two methods:
1) Door to Door: This is a preferred and proven method and It Works!
a. Customers see the Cub Scout! It is difficult for a customer to say “no” to a young Cub Scout in uniform.
b. Begin your conversation by "Will you help me ..."
c. It gives the Scouts face to face sales experience.
d. Scouts take the orders and submit to the Pack. We submit to District and pick up the orders at a later date. We distribute the orders to the Pack.
e. Customers can pay by cash or check. Make checks payable to “Cub Scout Pack 758”.
f. Order forms can be picked up at the Pack Meeting or can be printed out at home. See attached order form.
2) Online Selling: It allows Scouts to sell to faraway friends and family. This should not be a substitute for Door to Door sales.
a. It’s easy! Scouts create their own accounts on http://www.trails-end.com/
b. Diverse national product line, different from your paper order form.
c. Customers pay directly to Trail’s End and products are delivered directly to them.
This year, we are requiring each scout to make at least 5 sales. You can achieve this by using Door to Door and/or online sale.
1) Please check the Documents section below to find the list of Prizes and Incentives that you Cub can earn in addition to raising funds for his Pack, his Boy Scouts Camps and possibly his College Fund.
Safety Tips:
1) Always wear your Uniform
2) Always sell with an adult and/or with a group
3) Never enter anyone’s home
4) Do not sell after dark
5) Always stay on the sidewalks and driveways
6) Never carry large amounts of cash
Selling script:
Hi, my name is _________ (say first name only)
I am a Cub Scout with Pack 758
I am selling Trail’s End Popcorn so that I can earn my way to camp
You can support me by buying some of our gourmet popcorn (hand the customer the Take Order form and a pen)
Will you help me earn my way to Camp?
Training Videos :
Parent Training Video - Teresa Barnett
Watch this video with information from Teresa Barnett, District Kernel for Ozark Trails Council.
Scout Training
Have parents and Scouts watch this video to see the benefits of selling Trail's End.
Prize Highlights
See the Parrot A.R. Drone in action!
See the Thunder Tumbler in action!
Fill it up Process:
When a Scout has a filled up order form (30 take-order sales), bring the original order form to one of the Circle Ten Council Scout Shops (Dallas, Fairview, National Scouting Museum) to receive the Thunder Tumbler and an entry into the weekly Parrot A.R. Drone drawing. A copy of the original order form will be made for our records, you will receive the original to keep. The drawing will be held every Friday, with the final drawing being held on November 7th. All entries need to be turned in by 5:00 p.m. on Thursdays to be included in the Friday drawings. For more details please contact Rajab Sir or Rahil Sir
Important Documents:
Important Dates:
- Sunday, September 21st, 2014 - Poptober Operational Launch
- Friday, October 31st, 2014 - Pack's POPtober Order Collection
- Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 - POPtober 2014 Campaign Concludes
- Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 - Pack's POPtober Order Distribution Day (one day only)