Membership and Troop Dues
Girl Scout membership is available to any girl or adult who:
* Makes the Girl Scout Promise and accepts the Girl Scout Law;
* Pays annual membership dues and
* Meets membership standards.
Girl Scouts of Western New York are committed to providing equal access to membership for all girls and adults. National Girl Scout membership dues are $12 for the October 1st-September 30th membership year and are sent directly to GSUSA in New York City. Membership dues are not transferable to another person or refundable. Financial assistance is available, and no girl is denied access to Girl Scouting because of the inability to pay dues and fees.
Adult and Girl Membership forms click on the link below
Each Troop/Group determines the amount needed for Troop dues and whether they should be paid weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc. Troop dues are used for special Troop/Group activities, projects and supplies. Troops are self-supporting and participate in Council approved money-earning activities to supplement more costly Troop events, programs or Trips.
Uniforms are not mandatory to be a Girl Scout. Girls may wear a complete uniform, the badge sash or vest. However, certain events may require a uniform. Our neighborhood asks that the girls wear a white shirt, black pants, skirt and their sash or vest when we march in the Memorial Day Parade, placing flags at the local cemeteries, Girl Scout Sunday etc. Uniforms may be purchased at any of the Council shops listed below.
Batavia Service Center Shop -
5 Jackson Street
Batavia, NY 14020
Phone: (585) 344-7050 / 1-888-837-6410 x7050
Fax: (585) 344-0765
Hours: Shop and Office Mon. & Fri. 8:30-4:30 Wed. 10-6 pm; Thurs. Closed; Tuesday office only 8:30-4:30.
Buffalo Service Center Shop -
3332 Walden Ave - Suite 106
Depew, NY 14043
Phone: (716) 935-6035 / 1-888-837-6410
Fax: (716) 706-1359
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Wednesday)
11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Friday)
1st Sat. of each month - 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lockport Service Center Shop
5000 Cambria Road
Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: (716) 935-6080 /888-837-6410 x6080
Fax: (716) 434–9983
Hours: Hours: Shop and Office Mon. & Fri. 8:30-4:30 Wed. 10-6 pm; Thurs. Closed; Tuesday office only 8:30-4:30.
Shop GSWNY Online Anytime click on link below
Volunteer Opportunities
The Girl Scouts is a volunteer-based organization with opportunities for both women and men at the Troop, Group, Service Unit, Area and Council level. As a Girl Scout volunteer, adults have an opportunity to meet new people, use their time meaningfully and share their talent and skills with both girls and adults. Many find that it is rewarding and an excellent volunteer experience.
There are a variety of volunteer opportunities. Your commitment of time is dictated by your personal schedule. f you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us.
Getting Involved with Your Daughter's Troop
There are many ways you can get involved with your daughter's Troop. Parents can offer to be a driver for a day trip. You can ask the Leaders if you can assist with any Troop/Group activity when additional adult supervision is needed. You might offer to take certain training offered by the Council to provide coverage for different events, like camping or a trip out of town. How about offering a Troop demonstration of a skill you may have such as: sewing, machine maintenance, money management, share a craft or activity. You can get involved in many different ways, just ask the Troop Leader.
See attached pdf below Family Affair- Getting Involved
Girl Scout Cookie and QSP Magazine/Candy/Nut Program
The Girl Scout Cookie program is run in the spring
QSP Magazine/candy/nut program is run in the Fall
These programs teach girls valuable skills, among them, goal setting, planning, people skills, marketing, and budgeting. They also learn business and money management, it helps them to develop leadershp skills, and shows them how to work as a team with a common goal. Girls earn patches and cummulative awards depending on the number of items sold. The troop receives a portion of the sale which stays with their troop and is used for Council programs, badges, field trips etc. Girl participation in these programs is voluntary and parent/guardian permission is required.
Troop/Group Camping
Many Troops camp while other Troops choose not to. Girls help plan the Troop's activities during the year. If a Troop/Group decides to camp, there is an application process for a campsite and special training that must be completed by an adult accompanying the Troop.
Girl Programs and Summer Camp
Every year the Girl Scout Council of Western New York offers Council-sponsored programs for any currently registered girl.
Click on the site below to view programs and registration.
The Summer Camp Catalog is mailed to all registered Girl Scouts. Non-Scouts may also attend summer camp. Register early, as programs fill up quickly.
Click on the site below to view programs camp and registration information
Leaders to rent Council Property click on the link below for information
Adult/Leader Training
The commitment at Girl Scouts of Western New York is to make sure that all volunteers have the knowledge and support to make their Girl Scout experience a fulfilling one while they are helping to develop the girls into the leaders of tomorrow.
What Classes are Required?
Classes are offered in two categories: basic and enrichment. Basic courses are mandatory for all new volunteers and enrichment courses are designed to enhance the leader's interaction with the girls (and, in fact, contribute to her / his enjoyment). Leaders and Assistant leaders go through grade level, health and safety, outdoor and specialty trainings. The intention of GSWNY is to provide adult volunteers with the training necessary to ensure quality girl programs, in a safe, protected atmosphere.
For Online trainings go to the website below
Adult Recognition
Adult volunteers provide many hours of service. They give their time and talents to others. The Council has a recognition program in place for adults who want to honor someone who goes beyond the call of duty. Anyone may nominate a registered adult for an award.
More information can be found by clicking on the site below and scroll down to the Adult Recognition Forms Section
Financial Assistance
Girl Scouts of Western New York practices to give every girl, everywhere the opportunity to participate in Girl Scouting. If a girl's family experiences financial difficulty, the Council has funds to help assist with payment of membership dues and program fees.
* Council Opportunity Registration Assistance- is available to families who cannot pay the cost of membership.
Click on this site for form scroll down to Misc. Finance Forms
* Assistance is also available for Troop dues. Click on this site for form scroll down to Misc. Finance Forms
* Council Opportunity Fund- helps girls participate in a Troop or Service Unit activity, trip or event that they cannot afford. Click on this site for form scroll down to Misc. Finance Forms
* Camperships- are available to girls who want to go to camp. If a girl wants to participate in Troop/Group camping, an encampment or summer camp, and cannot afford the entire cost, camperships are available.
Click on this site for form scroll down to Misc. Finance Forms