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Cub Scout Pack 530
(Peachland, North Carolina)
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Pack 530 newsletter February 2009





*************I know that this isn’t the usual newsletter format but I thought that a change would be good. From now on I will have this as the newsletter with all the info that you need. For each group I will put what you can earn, but I will give that our separate and not with the newsletter. ************






Meeting dates for the month of February


2/07- Scout Sunday

2/08-  our District Banquet… this will be for every Cub and Boy scout in Anson County. It is bring a dish and awards are presented. We are haivng it at WADESBORO METHODIST CHURCH. Also it is the  100th year Birthday of Boy scouts. I know that we are the only ones having our Banquet on this day for the whole council which is the actual 100 Year Birthday.



2/25- This is out Banquet, when we give out awards, for the scouts, leaders, and parents.  We will have a dinner ( I do ask for everyone to bring something which I will give to everyone a list on Thurday) and we will be meeting at 6:00 p.m.  If you have any questions or want to help set up or plan the banquet please call me or come by and see me.  Thanks.
We will have our Blue and Gold Banquet for our pack. I want the boys to do a research project of one scout through out history who has made a difference. Also I would like everyone to bring in something old from scouts, it could be a uniform if you know someone who used to be in it, a book they used in the 60’s, a knife that someone had when they were in scouts. Last year we did a project and the boys had a great time with it, I would like to keep this going. There will be prizes given for the best poster and the best item(s) brought in.  If you need help with this just ask me. 




If you remember from the parent meeting, we will charge 10 dollars a month, to cover the cost of the awards, crafts, food and other items used during Cub Scouts. I need to have the dues paid by the second week of each month so I can order all the awards that need to be ordered. If you do not pay your dues, then your child can’t receive the awards. If there is a problem please come see me about this. If your son is not in his uniform starting this month then he will not be able to receive any awards earned. If you don’t know where to buy the uniforms or what your child needs please let me know and I will help you. Don’t let your son be the only one out of uniform. Thanks.







Please if you would like to help in any way, come sign up to help with the troop. I really need all the help I can get. I would like to have a leader for each group, but as of right now, I don't. I need one for the tigers and would like to have one for the one to two bears that we have. I would like for every parent to sign up as a volunteer if not a leader. Please talk to me about this. I can tell you from experience that it really does mean a lot to your child to be involved.