Troop 936's
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Boy Scout Troop 936
(Broken Arrow, Oklahoma)
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Who We Are!

We are Boy Scout Troop 936 and sponsored by the Men’s Club at the Church of St. Benedict. Ourmembership is made up of youth in the greater Broken Arrow community and is a mixture of variousfaiths, schools and Cub Scout Packs. Our Troop has been around for years and focuses ondeveloping scouts to be strong leaders with upstanding morale character and values. We teachscouts the value of the Scout Law, Oath, tradition, leadership, opportunity, adventure,environment and much much more. We have a Boy Led Troop and offer scouts various leadershipopportunities and responsibilities in order to help form tomorrows leaders. As a result of ourquality program and focus on the individual most of our scouts reach the Eagle Rank

Where & when we meet?

We meet on Sunday afternoons from 2:45pm to 4:15pm at St. Benedict's Catholic Church. Sunday meetingsmean those young men in sports, band and various otheractivities or, who just have homework to do during the week,can still join and find time for scouting without negativelyaffecting other activities! We do not meet on holidayweekends or on weekends that we have camping events soplease check our schedule of events or call us for moreinformation on meeting times.

Who can join?

Boy Scouting in Troop 936 is available for any young man 11- 17 years old and prior scoutingexperience is not required. Whether you are a member of St. Benedict Cub Scout Pack 903, or anyother Cub Scout Pack in our area, you are welcome to join our Troop after you earn the Arrow ofLight Award and are at least 10 years old. We welcome all young men from the area to j

What to do now?

Come visit us on Sunday afternoon at 2:45 pm

Parent Committee Meetings are usually held 1st Sunday of the Month at 3:00pm (Check Calendar for Changes)

St. Benedict Church2200 W. Ithica
Broken Arrow, OK 74012

Or call anytime for information
David Cordle Scoutmaster(918) 850-6503 
or Send an Email David Cordle