Pack 240 believes that all boys should have the chance to be involved in Scouting, regardless of their ability to pay. As such, Pack leadership tries to provide multiple opportunities throughout the year for pack members to fundraise. Whenever financially possible, Pack 240 hopes to spend any excess funds after program expenses towards helping cover the costs of Cub Scouting activities. However, that is not always possible. As such, here is a listing of some typical costs associated with the Cub Scout Program.
National Dues: $24 (or $2 a month)
Boys Life Magazine Subscription (optional): $12
Uniform Shirt & Badges: $36
Rank Handbook: $13
Kerchief & Slide: $15
Day & Weekend Camps: $20-$30 per camp
Summer Resident Camp: $95-$125
Misc. other small expenses such as Zoo trips, Museum Admission, etc.
If any of these costs become prohibitive to your child participating in scouts, please contact us.