Cubmaster - Mr. Josh Joyce
Tiger Den Leader - TBD
Wolf Den Leader - Mr. Jason Morton
Bear Den Leader - Mrs. Amanda Robinson and Mr. Jesse Cornell
Webelos 1 Den Leader - Mr. Dan Woods
Abilene Pack 240 is currently recruiting adult volunteers. From Den Leaders to those just looking to lend the occasional hand, there is a place for you in Pack 240. Parental involvement is heavily emphasized in Pack 240 and even if your outdoor experiences begin and end with watching Animal Planet, there are ways you can help!
Potential Volunteer Positions & Activities
Committee Members
Den Leaders
Assistant Den Leaders
Camping Chaperones
Field Trip/Activity Assistants
Fundraising Assistants
Special Events (Pinewood Derby, Blue & Gold) Assistants
Guest Speakers & Instructors
If you are interested in volunteering your time with Pack 240, please use the Contact Our Pack page or email